Articles from the 2022 Summer Issue of The National Psychologist
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
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Mental health 988 emergency lifeline makes national debut
By Miriam Segaloff
Associate Editor
More than two years in the making, the nationwide 988 mental health emergency lifeline launched in July with the goal of expanding access to mental health care and saving lives.“Even I have trouble
remembering the 10-digit number,” The National Council for Mental Wellbeing President and Chief Executive Officer Chuck Ingoglia said. “This is just really an easier way to remember that number and get access. “The whole goal is to make things easier. That’s the major change people will experience.”

Reflections on the Tarasoff case
By David Shapiro, Ph.D.
Most people are aware of a court case titled Tarasoff v. The Regents of the University of California. Many, however, are unaware there were actually two Tarasoff cases. The initial Tarasoff case accepted as a legitimate legal theory the concept of duty to warn, within the context of outpatient psychotherapy, when a therapist believes their patient poses a risk of harm to an identifiable third party.
Safety plans critical for suicidal patients
Samuel J. Knapp, Ed.D., ABPP

Psychologists need to develop safety plans when treating suicidal patients. Safety plans are brief, collaboratively written plans that involve several steps patients can take when they feel a suicidal crisis coming on.
The steps of a safety plan include:

By Paula E. Hartman-Stein, Ph.D.
Psychiatrist to return $1.1 million for not complying with Medicare regulations
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently released a 38-page report of an audit estimating more than $1.1 million in over payments for psychotherapy services made to a Queens, New York psychiatrist, one of the highest reimbursed individual Medicare providers in the country.
Professional Will
By Hector Y. Adames, Psy.D., Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, Ph.D., Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., & Melba J. T. Vasquez, Ph.D.

All psychotherapists, behavior therapists and other clinicians and counselors need a comprehensive “professional will.” It is a fundamental ethical responsibility and, in many jurisdictions, it is also a legal duty.
But, on a basic human level, it is a way to spare our clients and colleagues from the chaos, confusion and stress that can come with an unexpected death or incapacitation, especially when clear information and instruction are not available.

By Jesse Lambert, Psy.D.
Early Career Psychologists -
Learn rules before playing managed care game
Working within the stringent rules of managed care places additional requirements on psychologists attempting to obtain reimbursement for services provided,as well as authorization for those services. This puts additional demands on your limited time and generates paperwork, but the process can be learned.
Misinformation can damage patient outcomes

By Ofer Zur, Ph.D.
Myths, faulty beliefs and misconceptions can put unnecessary stress on practitioners trying to adhere to the standard-of-care and give their clients the best possible outcomes. Below, some of the most commonly misinterpreted principles are discussed:

By Angela Nelson, Psy.D., LP
Signe L. Nestingen, Psy.D., LP, LMFT
Rose M. Stark-Rose, PhD., LP
Minnesota Oversight Process Lacking
Every state is required to have a program to evaluate and monitor health care providers, including psychologists, who may be impaired due to a substance abuse problem. All practicing psychologists need to make a point of being familiar with their state’s program, as they are required to make reports when necessary.
In Minnesota, the Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) ...

Foundation gives FSU
$3.4 million for
forgiveness study
A Florida State University (FSU) eminent scholar has received a $3.4 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation to study the psychology of divine forgiveness or forgiveness from a higher power.
“Divine forgiveness is a source of great comfort for people of faith,” said Frank Fincham, director of the FSU Family Institute in the College of Health and Human Sciences. “We know very little scientifically about how humans think about, experience and relate to this notion.”
Prolonged grief disorder
added to DSM 5 -TR
By Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D
The official announcement of the inclusion of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) in the DSM 5-TR has revived the simmering controversy over whether any form of grief should be considered a “mental disorder,” alongside life-limiting forms of anxiety, depression, eating disorder, substance abuse and the many other conditions given attention and definition as diagnoses within this psychiatric compendium of human distress.

A Poem
The Stranger
By Melvin Glazer, Ph.D.
In the day of your night I come,
A stranger appearing and disappearing
Like a mirage in the desert of your
In the day of your night you come,
A chaser of ghosts, but you will never
find who you seek
For who you seek is no longer there.
No matter how hard you look,
No matter how much you hurt,
You will never find him in me.
And who you do find (in me) is not
who I am
But a stranger of little value to you
When placed next to the ghost of who I was.
And in looking for who I was you fail
to see me.
In the day of my night you come,
But not as a chaser of ghosts
For no matter how hard I look,
No matter how much I hurt,
I can never bring back what was
The wonderful boy who is now a man.
I can only deal with what is and what
is, is
I see through the mask you wear.
I see the part of me that is part of you
As you see the part of you that is part
of me, and that will never change.
I will always be your father and you
will always be my son
And I will always love the boy you
were and the man you are
And you will always love the ghost of
who I was,
But, perhaps, one day you’ll love the
stranger in me too
And forgive me for all I did and didn’t
For by forgiving me you will, in so
doing, be forgiving yourself.
Thus, a gift to each and each to the
The greatest gift of all, LOVE.
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This poem is not part of the CE Quiz.
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