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Advertising Information

The National Psychologist is an independent, quarterly online newspaper that circulates to practicing psychologists in the U.S.A. We encourage businesses who want to reach this highly specialized target market to advertise in The National Psychologist. Many of our readers control sizable budgets and make significant buying decisions, and every reader is a potential customer.

We offer several display advertising sizes in each issue of The National Psychologist — 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and full-page ads are available. We offer multiple insertion discounts (on 1/4 pg ads or larger) and all rates quoted are net rates. All first-time ads must be prepaid in full. Ads should be sent as a PDF file via e-mail. Ads sent on disk in any format other than a PDF will not be accepted due to possible incompatible systems.

TNP is published four (4) times per year: Winter (January), Spring (April), Summer (July), and Fall (October). Advertising deadlines are the 10th of the month prior to the month in parenthesis and should be received by readers during the parenthetic months.

For size and rate information, contact:


Martin A. Saeman
Marketing Director
The National Psychologist
620 Taylor Station Rd., Suite F
Gahanna, Ohio 43230

Phone: (614) 861-1999
Fax: (614) 861-1996


Classified ads are due no later than the 10th of the month prior to publication.

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